While the summer sun beams down, the potential for severe weather might lurk in the clouds. Summer storms can brew with an unexpected ferocity, posing a significant threat to communities. From flash floods to tornadoes, these storms pack a punch, leaving behind a trail of destruction. It’s crucial to brace yourself and your home for the onslaught. When summer storms in Victorville strike, they can wreak havoc on unprepared properties, causing extensive damage. The risks are immense, from wind and hail to flooding and power outages. This blog delves into the details of summer storm damage, offering invaluable tips to safeguard yourself and your belongings.

The Dangers of Summer Storms in Victorville

summer storms in Victorville can hit you with wind.

Watch for severe winds during summer storms!

Wind Damage. If you live in an area prone to high winds, they can wreak havoc on your home during a storm. Even moderate winds can impact your roof, windows, and siding. If a gust of wind is strong enough, they can uproot trees.

Hail Damage. Small balls of ice, commonly known as hail, can devastate property. Hailstones can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters in size and often fall at high speed.

The most severe hail damage typically occurs during supercell thunderstorms, which are characterized by large, rotating updrafts or upward air movement. These updrafts can propel hailstones upward before they fall back to the ground. When hailstones fall from such great heights, they can acquire enough kinetic energy to create damage.

Flooding. The combination of heavy rains and strong winds can rapidly overwhelm storm drains, causing water to back up and flood streets and homes. Flash floods can also occur when summer storms move through an area, creating dangerous conditions. They can happen within a few minutes or hours of excessive rainfall, catching people off-guard. Just six inches of moving water can knock a person down, and two feet of water can sweep a vehicle away.

It’s also important to know that most typical home insurance policies don’t include flood insurance. If you live in a high-risk area, talk with your agent about adding this important coverage.

Power Outages. Power outages are sometimes the result of a summer storm. Due to downed power lines, outages can last for hours, days, or even weeks. A lack of electricity can be a problem for those who rely on electrical medical equipment and those who live in hot weather regions where air conditioning is necessary. Power outages can cause food spoilage, water shortages, and transportation disruptions.

Summer storms can also cause widespread damage to the electrical grid, leading to long-term power outages. Not having power can affect an entire community, causing business closures and a loss of income for residents.

power outages

Power outages can leave communities vulnerable for days.

How to Prepare for Summer Storms in Victorville

Every year, summer storms can take homeowners by surprise. While people may assume they are adequately prepared for severe weather, they often scramble to take the necessary precautions when a storm hits. Don’t let this happen to you. Here are some tips to keep in mind when preparing for a summer storm.

  • Make sure you have a plan if your power goes out. Have backup batteries for your electronics, and make sure your cell phone is fully charged.
emergency kit

Build an emergency kit when possible.

  • Know where your emergency supplies are stored and make sure they are easily accessible. Prepare a kit with emergency items such as flashlights, medications, first aid, and bottled water.
  • Trim trees or branches that could potentially fall on your home during a storm.
  • If a storm is approaching, secure any loose items around your property that could become projectiles in high winds. Things like patio furniture, garbage cans, and potted plants should be firmly tied down or stored indoors.
  • If you live in an area prone to flash flooding, make sure you know where the nearest high ground is and plan to get there if your home starts to flood.
  • Avoid going outdoors during a storm. Stay indoors as much as possible. If you must go outside, do not go to areas likely to be affected by flooding or high winds.
  • Ensure your gutters are cleaned and clear to drain water away from your home correctly.
  • Double-check that your homeowners’ insurance policy is up-to-date and covers storm damage.
  • During a storm, always stay informed. Have a battery-powered weather radio to listen to the latest news and updates. You can also check the National Weather Service’s website. Remember that a severe thunderstorm warning is issued if a thunderstorm becomes severe.

Managing Summer Storm Damage

As summer approaches, many homeowners start to prepare for bad weather. While it’s important to be ready for storms, it’s also important to know what to do if damage occurs. Here are some tips on how to deal with summer storm damage.

  • If a summer storm damages your home, you should first assess the damage and call your insurance company.
  • Do not enter a property that has suffered structural damage. Have a professional inspect it first.
  • If flooding occurs, do not enter your home until the floodwaters have receded and it is safe to do so.
  • If you have any damage from a summer storm, document it with photos or video for your insurance claim.

Many resources are available to help you deal with the damage caused by a summer storm. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides information on preparing for and responding to severe weather and other disasters. Your local Red Cross chapter can also assist if a storm damages your home.

Summer storms in Victorville can be dangerous, but by staying prepared, you can minimize the damage they leave behind. Follow these tips and have a plan in place so you can manage the aftermath without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

Trust Purofirst Fire and Water Restoration for Superior Water Damage Restoration Services!

If you’re dealing with water damage in your home or business, don’t wait to get professional help. Purofirst Fire and Water Restoration offers comprehensive water damage restoration services to help you return to normal as quickly as possible. From water extraction and drying to mold remediation and structural repairs, our expert team has the skills and experience to handle even the most complex water damage situations. Contact us today at [phone_number] to learn more about our services and how we can help you recover from water damage.